Kristine Villaluna

Mathematical Statistician



Toronto Airbnb Prices

Bayesian hierarchical model in STAN using a room-type top level to predict listing price for Airbnbs in Toronto.

COVID-19 US Vaccination Modeling

Binomial regression model predicting proportion of the population aged 18+ who are fully vaccinated by US county.

Global Protests Tableau Dashboard

Data visualization using Mass Mobilization data.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Modeling

LDA topic model using Gensim on Department of Justice press release data (2009-2018).

Debt Crisis Classification

Compared different classifiers such as decision tree, random forest, boosting tree and K-NN to predict debt crisis events. Used k-fold cross-validation for hyperparameter tuning. Examined AUC score and recall as measures of accuracy.

A/B Testing

Example of A/B Test


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